[Veranstaltung] KKP: Movie Night #12 on Tuesday, 18th June 18.00

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Movie Night #12

Tuesday 18th June 18.00

Pinkwashing Exposed: Seattle Fights Back! by Dean Spade (2021)

Abteilung Angewandte Fotografie
OKP - Schwanzer Trakt
4. Stock - Stiege 2

MOVIE NIGHTS at the University of Applied Arts Vienna

MOVIE NIGHTS _ A series of screenings hosted and organized by Applied Photography, Klasse für Alle, Art and Communicative Practices, Art theory, Philosophy, and Transcultural Studies at the University of Applied Arts Vienna since November 2024.
MOVIE NIGHTS is a format for a transdisciplinary exchange: Starting each time from one film, we open the space for a conversation about the relations between production of images and their conditions – modes of narration, authorship, history, politics and effects on society. We show fiction, documentaries, movie and television productions in regard to the actual situation, focusing on Palestinian and Israeli films.

The MOVIE NIGHTS take place on Tuesdays in the section of Applied Photography and are hosted and organized by the sections Applied Photography, Klasse für Alle, Art and Communicative Practices, Art theory, Philosophy, and Transcultural Studies.