[Veranstaltung] HEUTE! FILM SCREENING & ARTIST TALK Allan Brown / The Nettle Dress MI 6.11.2024 18:00 AUDITORIUM / EG / VZA7

Liebe Studierende, liebe Kolleg*innen,

HEUTE ABEND ist es so weit!

Ich lade Euch herzlich zum FILM SCREENING & ARTIST TALK mit ALLAN BROWN im Auditorium der VZA7 ein!

Einlass ist bereits um 17.30 Uhr, der Film THE NETTLE DRESS startet um 18.00 Uhr und im Anschluss findet der Artist Talk mit Allan Brown statt.

Ich freue mich, Euch zu sehen!

Liebe Grüße,
Karin Altmann

EINLADUNG: https://uni-ak.at/accounts/anhang/IKKK_2024_11_06_09_40_AllanBrown_TheNettleDress.JPEG

Allan Brown (UK)

Film Screening and Artist Talk
6. November 2024, 18:00

Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Vordere Zollamtstraße 7, EG
1030 Wien

Textile Artist Allan Brown spent seven years making a dress by hand, using only the fibre of locally foraged stinging nettles.
This is ‘hedgerow couture’, the greenest of slow fashion and also his medicine. It’s how he survives the death of his wife,
which leaves him and their four children bereft, and how he finds a beautiful way to honour her.
A modern-day fairy tale and hymn to the healing power of nature, slow craft and textiles.

His journey and process of creating the dress is being featured in THE NETTLE DRESS,
a documentary by Dylan Howitt (68 minutes/English with German subtitles)
and discussed in the following Artist Talk with Allan Brown,
hosted by Karin Altmann (Department Textiles - Free, Applied and Experimental Artistic Design).

This event is part of the INTRA project SPINNING STORIES - LIVING ARCHIVES at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

INTRA Projekt: https://uni-ak.at/accounts/anhang/IKKK_2024_11_06_09_40_SpinningStories_LivingArchives.JPEG

Mag. art. Dr. phil. Karin Altmann
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Institute of Art Sciences and Art Education
Textiles – Free, Applied and Experimental Artistic Design

[Veranstaltung] Ryan Crawford: Critical Theory and Philosophical Form

Mittwoch, 6. November 2024, 16 Uhr
Seminarraum 20
Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7
1030 Wien

Ryan Crawford: Critical Theory and Philosophical Form

Eine Veranstaltung der Abteilung Kunsttheorie

Today seen as an academic paradigm with established concepts and concerns, the critical theory of the early Frankfurt School is perhaps better understood as a wide-ranging experiment in philosophical form. By reconstructing these experiments, this lecture will show how critical theory developed a practice of intellectual production that transformed the concept of philosophy, its organizational structure and mode of presentation to meet the challenges of its time. The result was an experiment in philosophical form whose implications for contemporary social, scientific and artistic production are no less relevant today.

Ryan Crawford has taught at the University of Vienna and Webster Vienna Private University, where he served for many years as Assistant Professor of Political Philosophy and Department Head of the university's Center for Liberal Arts. The co-editor of Adorno and Concept of Genocide and Delimiting Experience: Aesthetics and Philosophy, his recent essays have appeared in Radical Philosophy, Evental Aesthetics and Geschichtskritik Nach >1945<. Aktualität und Stimmenvielfalt (ed. Burkhard Liebsch).

[Veranstaltung] Portfolios präsentieren am Tag der offenen Tür

Liebe Studienkolleg*innen!

Wie ihr vielleicht wisst, findet nächste Woche am 5.11.24 der Tag der offenen Tür statt. Auch dieses Jahr wird es wieder die Möglichkeit geben eure Portfolios zu zeigen. Dazu müsst ihr ein Foto von eurem Portfolio, mit euerm Namen und Telefonnummer, in Form eines an diese E-Mail-Adresse schicken:


Insofern euer Portfolio ausgestellt werden kann (kommt drauf an wie viele sich dafür interessieren), müsst ihr euch dann am Montagnachmittag (4.11.2024) die Zeit nehmen um das Portfolio im 3.OG. der „Vorderen Zollamtstraße 7“ aufzuhängen/zu installieren.

Wir freuen uns!!
LG Max

[Präsentation] Einladung zur komm. Master- & Bachelorprüfung | 12. NOV

Anhang 1: https://uni-ak.at/accounts/anhang/IKKK_2024_10_29_14_55_IKKK_MA_BA_PLAKAT_12NOV24_LAY01.pdf

Herzliche Einladung zu den kommissionellen Master- & Bachelorprüfungen am 12. November ab 9 Uhr. Das detaillierte Programm findet sich im Anhang.

DI 12. NOVEMBER 2024 | 09:00
VZA 7 | SemR 24 | EG

[Veranstaltung] KKP_MOVIE NIGHTS Tuesday October 28th, 6 pm at School

Join us tomorrow for

Movie Night #15

The Viewing Booth (2019)
Ra’anan Alexandrowicz

6 pm

‼️ Different location than usual ‼️

School [at]performativescreenings
Grüngasse 22
1050 Vienna

Movie nights is a format for a transdisciplinary exchange: Starting each time from one film, we open the space for a conversation about the relations between production of images and their conditions – modes of narration, authorship, history, politics and effects on society. We show fiction, documentaries, movie and television productions in regard to the actual situation, focusing on Palestinian and Israeli films. The movie nights take place every two weeks and are hosted and organized by the departments of Applied Photography, Klasse für Alle, Art and Communicative Practices, Art Theory, Philosophy, and Transcultural Studies.

very best,

Sofia, Annette

Anhang 1: https://uni-ak.at/accounts/anhang/IKKK_2024_10_28_16_45__15_Movie_Night.png

[Lehrveranstaltung] WERK_LABOR WISSEN | Einführung in die Laufende Portfolioarbeit

WERK_LABOR WISSEN | Einführung in die Laufende Portfolioarbeit


Liebe Studierende, das kommende WERK_LABOR WISSEN widmet sich unter anderem der Laufende Portfolioarbeit der Studierenden DEX & KKP.
Es werden hierzu zwei Termine angeboten, deren Inhalt ident ist!

| VZA7 | 3OG | SR21 |
| DI 29 OKT 2024 | 1345-1515 |
| VZA7 | 3OG | SR21 |
| DO 31 OKT 2024 | 1345-1515 |

Zur Laufenden Portfolioarbeit ist auch ein Leitfaden unter folgenden LINK zu finden:


[Veranstaltung] FILM SCREENING & ARTIST TALK Allan Brown / The Nettle Dress MI 6.11.2024 18:00 AUDITORIUM / EG / VZA7

Liebe Studierende, liebe Kolleg*innen,

Ich lade euch herzlich zum FILM SCREENING & ARTIST TALK mit ALLAN BROWN

am Mittwoch, den 6.11.2024 um 18.00 Uhr im Auditorium der VZA7 ein.

Einlass ist bereits um 17.30 Uhr.

Ich freue mich, Euch zu sehen!

Liebe Grüße,
Karin Altmann

EINLADUNG: https://uni-ak.at/accounts/anhang/IKKK_2024_10_24_12_55_AllanBrown_TheNettleDress.JPEG

Allan Brown (UK)

Film Screening and Artist Talk
6. November 2024, 18:00

Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Vordere Zollamtstraße 7, EG
1030 Wien

Textile Artist Allan Brown spent seven years making a dress by hand, using only the fibre of locally foraged stinging nettles.
This is ‘hedgerow couture’, the greenest of slow fashion and also his medicine. It’s how he survives the death of his wife,
which leaves him and their four children bereft, and how he finds a beautiful way to honour her.
A modern-day fairy tale and hymn to the healing power of nature, slow craft and textiles.

His journey and process of creating the dress is being featured in THE NETTLE DRESS,
a documentary by Dylan Howitt (68 minutes/English with German subtitles)
and discussed in the following Artist Talk with Allan Brown,
hosted by Karin Altmann (Department Textiles - Free, Applied and Experimental Artistic Design).

This event is part of the INTRA project SPINNING STORIES - LIVING ARCHIVES at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

Mag. art. Dr. phil. Karin Altmann
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Institute of Art Sciences and Art Education
Textiles – Free, Applied and Experimental Artistic Design

[Veranstaltung] dirty pink waters of collectivity * 28.10_TALK by Jojo Gronostay. KKP in collaboration with STIR*

Dear all,

Join us for the first TALK by Jojo Gronostay "DEAD WHITE MEN'S CLOTHES AND OTHER STORIES" on October 28th at 18.00, at OSK, Hörsal 1, EG.

The event is hosted by KKP and the Diversity Office Angewandte - namely STIR* lectures organized by Iketina Danso.

KKP launches the dirty pink series on intersectional art pedagogies. The lectures and workshops address questions of collectivity in the arts and education, which empower intersectional and post-migrant positions. Art education becomes world-making, when it leaves space for relationality, unlearning, and the condition of unknowing, for conflicting, meshing and fluid identities, and for the contamination of the dominant language(s).

Stay tuned for the Wintersemester program:

Best wishes!

Sofia, Annette


Anhang 1: https://uni-ak.at/accounts/anhang/IKKK_2024_10_24_12_29_STIR___KKP_TALK_Jojo_Gronostay.jpg

[Veranstaltung] Save the date! Curriculums-Klausur 16. Dezember + Dokumaterial

Liebe alle,

Save the date! Wir laden Euch herzlich zur nächsten Curriculums-Klausur am 16. Dezember 13.30-18.00 ein. Nähere Infos folgen demnächst.

Anbei schicken wir Euch die Mitschrift und Fotos der ersten Curriculums-Klausur vom 27.9

CURR Klausur_Mitschrift_Zusammenfassung_2024_09_27

CURR_Klausur_World Cafe_Harvests_2024_09_27

Herzliche Grüße,

Sofia, Annette, Ebba, Christoph (KKP/TEX/DAE)

[Lehrveranstaltung] WERK_LABOR Tutorial Sashiko MITTWOCH 23. Okt. 15.00 - 19.00

Liebe Studierende,

Ich biete diese Woche ein WERK_LABOR Tutorial an, bei dessen Ankündigung leider ein falscher Wochentag eingetragen wurde.

Das Tutorial SASHIKO - REPAIR MIT NADEL UND FADEN findet am MITTWOCH, den 23. Oktober von 15.00 - 19.00 statt.

Es gibt noch ein paar freie Plätze.

Liebe Grüße,

T03 MI 23 OKT (1500-1900) WEBEREI | VZA7 | 3OG | RN307

Sashiko ist eine japanische Sticktechnik, die für gelebte Nachhaltigkeit steht. Auch
wenn sie sich in Japan von einer einfachen Reparatur- zu einer komplexen Mustertechnik
entwickelt hat, geht es in diesem Tutorial nicht um technische Perfektion, sondern um die
Freude am eigenständigen Reparieren. Alle Stiche werden von Hand ausgeführt. Probiere
es aus und bring deine schadhaften Kleidungsstücke mit! Im Anschluss des Tutorials
fi ndet im MQ die partizipative Modenschau „Best of Sashiko“ im Rahmen des re:pair Fes-
tivals statt (19:30, Ovalhalle MQ, Moderation: Tina Zickler, Musik: Reeno Reluv).
Anmeldung: karin.altmann[at]uni-ak.ac.at