[Veranstaltung] Book Launch & Gathering: Unlearning Routines of the Impossible
In the framework of Dirty Pink Waters of Collectivity. Talks and Workshops on intersectional art pedagogies / KKP - Kunst und Kommunikative Praxis.
Book Launch & Gathering:
Unlearning Routines of the Impossible
Annette Krauss (Kunst und Kommunikative Praxis) with Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons, Utrecht/NL (Aline Hernandez and Marianna Takou)
6 March 2025, 18:00–20:00 / Flux 1, 3.floor, VZA7
Join us for the gathering around the new publication of Unlearning Routines of the Impossible.
Upon invitation for this occasion, and as publishers of the book, Casco directors Aline Hernandez and Marianna Takou will give us insights into Casco’s program The Ecosystemic Shift and explore the connections with the book’s themes. www.casco.art/
The book Unlearning Routines of the Impossible is co-authored by artist and educator Annette Krauss featuring contributions from the Feminist Search Tools working group, Yolande Zola Zoli van der Heide, Nancy Jouwe, KUNCI Study Forum & Collective, and Ferdiansyah Thajib. The book is published by Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons, and Minor Compositions/Autonomedia.
Unlearning Routines of the Impossible continues Krauss’ exploration of unlearning practices within (and beyond) art institutions. Unlearning Routines of the Impossible responds to the question: “What are the struggles, entanglements, and joys of practicing unlearning in predominantly Western contexts?” The book revisits Krauss’s (co-)initiated artistic research projects Sites for Unlearning—a series of experimental gatherings aimed at collaboratively unlearning dominant ways of thinking and doing, as well as confronting the affective production of impossibilities within institutions in order to intervene in social injustices. These inquiries are accompanied, framed, and challenged by invited essays, collective conversations, and scenes on what unlearning might do and be. Together, they form a support structure—a scaffolding for living—for practicing unlearning.
For more Information on Dirty Pink Waters Series, see
Anhang 1: https://uni-ak.at/accounts/anhang/IKKK_2025_02_28_15_46_booklaunch.pdf