[Lehrveranstaltung] dirty pink waters of collectivity KKP // MUSMIG Nourishing our multiple selves 9th JANUARY, 6 pm
9th January
DIRTY PINK WATERS OF COLLECTIVITY: Nourishing our multiple selves_ Museum of Migration
Join us for the Demonstration - Wieder Donnerstag und "Alarm für die Republik!"
The MUSMIG event "Noursing our multiples selves" at Volkskundemuseum will take place during the Donnerstagdemo gegen Rechts.
Meeting Point, MUSMIG Gruppe: U3 Herrengasse, exit Fahnengasse at 6 pm
ALARM FÜR DIE REPUBLIK Donnerstag, 9. Jänner 2025, 18:00 Ballhausplatz Wien
MUSMIG at Volkskunde Museum
Nourishing our multiple selves
Nourishing yourself doesn't just mean eating to satisfy hunger or drinking to not feel thirsty. Body, mind and soul, can and should be nourished in various ways. They can be nourished by being together, producing together, being creative and being able to live out the self in a safe environment. What if we can't nurture ourselves because we are uprooted, don't feel safe, or because we can't be our true selves?
We invite you on January 9th to think about possibilities of taking roots with us, and participate in our collective experiment on nourishing our multiple selves. In the framework of the seminar Museum der Migration _ Ewige Anfänge _ Stories Repeating at the Angewandte (Art and Communicative Practices) held by the MUSMIG collective and Sofia Bempeza we spent the past months finding expressions for silence and processes of silencing, writing manifestos, and asking poetic inquiries.
Join us at the Volkskunde Museum, Pavillion 1 at the Otto-Wagner-Areal in
Nourishing our multiple selves, through
grounding and growing
writing and binding
cooking and eating
The MUSMIG collective is an attempt at (post-)migrant self-historicisation; it demands a museum of migration in Austria. Since autumn 2024, MUSMIG has found a temporary shelter at the Otto-Wagner-Areal, following an invitation from Volkskundemuseum Vienna.
The event is part of the DIRTY PINK WATERS OF COLLECTIVITY - the KKP TALKS and WORKSHOPS series on intersectional art pedagogies, organized in coolaboration with the MUSMIG collective hosted by the Volkundesmuseum Vienna at Otto Wagner Areal.
Collective planting
5:00 pm
Through our plants we ask: How do you feel here? Can you thrive at this place or are you dreaming of a different air, sun, earth? With whose blood is the ground of a place soaked? Have you ever asked and have you yearned being asked these questions?
Plants and humans are similar: we take root, we need light, water and nutrients, we live with the seasons, we constantly renew ourselves, we grow. We also share things like (forced) migration, being uprooted and having to take new roots.
Writing workshop
5:30 pm - 7 pm
Let us find words together. The planting aims to create a generative soil to share stories of ourselves, of collectivity, and the unspeakable, What nourishes you?
You can bring your favourite recipe or think about it in advance - but keep in mind that nourishment doesn't only mean food! After the workshop, written text(s), poem(s) or recipes can be offered to be included in a zine created for MUSMIG by the students group/workshop participants.
The workshop will be held in English and German. You are however welcome to write in any other languages you feel comfortable with.
Cooking Recipes of Nourishment and Collectivity
5:30 pm-7:00 pm
Joint Dinner (vegeterian meal)
From 7:00 pm
Food and recipes of nourishment are our (self)caring strategies , for us and each other. Lets share food and thoughts, eat what we cooked from recipes of nourishment, recipes of collectivity, of travelling, of being on the way, of arriving, of taking roots.
Participants: Nicole Dania Fölß, Virág Garamvölgyi, Iris Gamarra, Teresa Keller, Radostina Kostadinova, Shahrzad Nazarpour, Veronika Nikiforova, Aliza Peisker, Bastian Rieker, Annalena Stocker
About MUSMIG: Since 2019, historians, social and cultural scientists, artists, and activists have been working together in a growing collective. MUSMIG is represented by Ljubomir Bratić, Gabriela Urrutia Reyes, Elena Messner, Mehmet Emir, Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur, Mariama Nzinga Diallo, Lia Kastiyo-Spinósa, Anna Seidel, Savo Ristić, Yvonne Živković, Natalie Deewan, Magdalena Winkler, Katharina Kulesza, Hanna Salentinig, Joel Souza Cabrera, Goran Lazičić and many others.