[Veranstaltung] dirty pink waters of collectivity * 28.10_TALK by Jojo Gronostay. KKP in collaboration with STIR*

Dear all,

Join us for the first TALK by Jojo Gronostay "DEAD WHITE MEN'S CLOTHES AND OTHER STORIES" on October 28th at 18.00, at OSK, Hörsal 1, EG.

The event is hosted by KKP and the Diversity Office Angewandte - namely STIR* lectures organized by Iketina Danso.

KKP launches the dirty pink series on intersectional art pedagogies. The lectures and workshops address questions of collectivity in the arts and education, which empower intersectional and post-migrant positions. Art education becomes world-making, when it leaves space for relationality, unlearning, and the condition of unknowing, for conflicting, meshing and fluid identities, and for the contamination of the dominant language(s).

Stay tuned for the Wintersemester program:

Best wishes!

Sofia, Annette


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